Freely you have received; freely you must give. – Matthew 10:8

Our Mission
To bring God’s hope to the underserved populations of Cambodia through quality medical care, education, strengthening local churches, and evangelization.
Donate TodayWe regularly host a variety of short-term mission trips!
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About Freely Given
Our family of seven is called to serve as full-time missionaries and build a team of volunteers in the small, southeast Asian country of Cambodia. In this land of palm trees, rice paddies, and water buffalo, 98% of the population is Buddhist. The spiritual, economic, and medical needs are vast, making the words of Jesus keenly felt; “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Matthew 9:37) We are truly honored to serve the Lord among the warm-hearted and joyful people of Cambodia.
What We Do
Read on to learn about what the Lord has started through FreelyGiven!

Medical Ministry
Quality medical care remains a significant need in Cambodia. A large portion of the population cannot afford even basic medical care. We work with the local church to host monthly clinics at rural parishes. In this setting, we not only provide free medical care and free medication, but simultaneously draw unreached people to the church. We have been blessed to provide medical treatment for hundreds of poor Cambodians. In addition to our regular clinics, we provide well child checks at rural schools, the number of home visits Jacelyn provides grows every month, and she frequently helps patients locate and access care when they need a specialist.

Strengthening Local Churches
This aspect of our work takes many forms and is building treasured relationships with our Cambodian church family!
One of our greatest joys has been to partner with the Pastoral Home, a ministry for at-risk children. This beautiful work was started by a Cambodian family and is partially supported by our parish in Siem Reap. The children served at the pastoral home, which number about 75, are impoverished and come from homes disrupted by drugs, prostitution, and incarceration. These children have found a safe refuge at the pastoral home, where they gather twice a week for dinner, devotions, and prayer. It is a great privilege to be a part of their lives. Several of our specific contributions include providing medical care for the children and their families, completing renovation projects at the home with mission teams, and funding the annual Christmas and Easter parties. These parties are an incredible blessing to children who are rarely made to feel that they are important. Not only was our initial Christmas part the very first Christmas party the children had ever attended, but it was where they received their first-ever Christmas gift.
Additional ways FreelyGiven Inc. is supporting local churches:
- Teaching English at rural parishes
- Music ministry
- A preschool English class at a local orphanage run by religious sisters
- One gap year student even provided free plumbing repairs (which were much appreciated!)

Rose Ministry
There is, sadly, a large prostitution industry in Cambodia. When confronted with this reality, we prayed for a way to bring the light of Christ to the women working in this dark world. Through our prayers we were led to bless them with a simple gift, freely given. We do this by presenting these women with a rose that includes an attached message of their immense worth and setting forth the hope of salvation. This effort has been well-received, and the women express heartfelt gratitude. We have steadily increased the number of roses we hand out each month, and there is definitely need to expand further as resources allow.
Meet Our Team
Jacelyn, Nic, Christian, Esther, Davey, Hudson, and Evangeline Davidson
