Missionaries, Mass, Monkeys, and Magumu

Good afternoon to all y’all back home! Just wanted to update you on our day. Today was the designated “fight the jet lag” day.
Christian really loves soccer (hitherto referred to as “football”) and has expressed his desire to play random pick-up games. Well, this afternoon, I couldn’t find him and I walked out the door of the rectory and, lo and behold, there he was, surrounded by a group of local kids, playing a chaotic game of screaming and running. 🙂
Jacelyn got to visit the small clinic (hitherto referred to as a “dispensary”) next door and they will be announcing at Mass on Sunday that she’ll be around all day Monday to see patients!!!!!!!
The town we’re in until Tuesday, called Magumu, is 5,869 feet above sea level, so the temps stay relatively perfect. Highs of 75, lows of 50. We toured their market today and it brought back so many fun memories of Dominica.
I have been carrying Hudson around on my back in a Kelty Kid pack, and we were getting laughs and stares on a more frequent level than we’re used to. Turns out, not only are we the rare white folks in town, and not only is the Kelty pack very envied, but it is also true that men never carry the kids around. So, the Davidsons are inadvertently pushing stereotypical boundaries. 🙂
We’ll be heading to 7am Mass tomorrow, which will not only enrich our souls, but will also fight the jet lag and work to get our bodies on to the right time zone. We’re 8 hours ahead of the east coast, and 9 ahead of central.
I think we’re experiencing a bit of that whole phenomena where we’ve been preparing for and dreaming about something for over a decade, and, now that we’re here, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. So, we have to keep reminding each other of WHERE we are!
Thankful for the amazing traveling nature our kids have. We crammed 8 peeps into a 5-seater car today, regularly drove into the oncoming lane, ate sparsely, and saw monkeys, antelopes, and zebras, and the kids took it all in stride. Well, except the monkeys. They went nuts for the monkeys.
We love you all and can’t thank you enough for believing in us, being there for us, and keeping us in your hearts and minds. Talk to you all soon.
If you pray, when you pray, pray for us!!!

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